Account Missing Identifiable Information

This account does not have enough identifiable information to be claimed online.

Please contact OSPI Customer Support, 1 (800) 725-4311 or, to claim this account.

Reset Password

This record has an existing login account, to claim it we will need to reset the existing account's password. If you would like to continue and access this account then click the "Reset My Password" button below. Afterwards you will need to access the email account and click the reset link provided to verify that you are this person.

After returning to EDS and entering a new password you can visit your profile page and change the unlocked account's login name to any email account, so long as it's not already in use as a login in the EDS system.

If for some reason you are unable to access your old email ( ) account:

If you currently work for a school district, please contact your District Data Security Manager

If you do not currently work for a district, please contact OSPI Customer Support at 1.800.725.4311 or