iGrants System: 2007-08

iGrants Form Package 208
Title I Part D Subpart 2 Neglected or Delinquent Local Agency Application
(Federal Funds)
Profile of This Form Package

OSPI Program Area: Learning and Teaching
Funding Type:  Entitlement
Funding Source:  Federal
Authorizing Statute: PL 107-110 Signed 1/8/2002
Purpose: Supports the operation of local school district programs that involve collaboration with locally operated correctional facilities in order to carry out high quality educational programs to prepare youth for secondary school completion, training, employment, transition activities and further education. Also, designed to prevent youth from dropping out and provide a support system to ensure their continued education.
Allocation Formula Basis:
October case count of children residing for 30 consecutive days, 1 day which must be in the month of October.
Eligible Subgrantees: Reference Web Site:
Detention Centers
School Districts (LEAs)
Group Homes
U.S. Dept of Education

Funding Information:

Application Information:

Funding Amounts
for 07-08:


Application Process: iGrants System
Indirect Rates for 2007-08:

Board Approval: Yes
CFDA #: Code of Federal Domestic Assistance 84.013
Program Acct. Number: 51 Application Due Date: 10/1/07
Revenue Acct. Number: 6151 Fiscal Year: 2008
ESD Program Acct. Number: NA Project Period: 7/1/07
ESD Revenue Acct. Number: NA thru 8/31/08
Carryover Applies: Yes (no percentage Guidelines)    
Budget Revision Deadline: August 31
Valid Program Activities:
22 Lrn Resources 26 Health Svs
24 Guid. Counsel 27 Teaching
25 Pupil Safety

Program Contacts:

Fiscal Contact:

Kathleen Sande
(360) 725-6055

Michelle Milton
(360) 725-6120

Ted Gifford
(360) 725-6280