
EDS Help and Frequently Asked Questions

I have forgotten my username. What is it?

Your username is typically your email address
If you are unsure whether or not you have a username, please contact district data security manager if you work in a public school or district, or OSPI Customer Support otherwise.

I have forgotten my password. How can I login?

There are three ways to retrieve your password:

1. Enter your username and click "Forgot your password?" below the login button. Follow the instructions to receive an automatically generated temporary password.
Forgot my password
2. If you work in a public school or district, you may ask your district data security manager to manually reset your password.
3. You may also contact OSPI Customer Support to manually reset your password.

When I try to log in, I see the same blank login screen after entering my username and password then clicking "Login". How can I log in?

  • First, close your web browser entirely. Your web browser is the program you use to access the web (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari).
    • On a Windows machine, this means closing every single window of the web browser.
    • On a Mac, this means using the web browser menu and selecting the 'Quit' option. This can also be done by holding the Command key (also known as the Apple Key) and pressing Q while the web browser is open.
  • Once the web browser is completely closed, restart the web browser and log in to EDS.
If the problem persists after you have attempted this solution, please contact OSPI Customer Support with a detailed description of the problem, including the user's operating system and web browser version.

I am trying to access an application, but I don't see it in the list under "My Applications."

If you need access to an application and you work in a public school or district, please contact your district data security manager.

I have another question that is not answered on this list. How can I receive assistance?

Please contact OSPI Customer Support at or by calling (360) 725-6371 or the toll-free number at 1-800-725-4311.